Chiropractic care recognizes a direct link between the nervous system and the health of the patient. Chiropractic differs from the traditional medical approach in that chiropractors try to treat the cause of the problem rather than merely addressing the symptoms. The focus of chiropractic is to treat the underlying cause of the problem in order to help the body heal itself naturally according to God's designed plan.
Because Dr. Craig is concerned with the total wellness of your body, he incorporates health options such as diet, exercise and lifestyle changes into your treatment plan. Furthermore, Dr. Craig works hand in hand with medical physicians, physical therapists, podiatrists, dentists, and massage therapists to address the unique needs of each patient. With that in mind, all avenues of health restoration are considered for each individual.
4942 E 73rd, Tulsa, OK 74136
(One block east of 73rd & Yale)
Phone: (918) 610-5200
Business Information
Mon: 10am - 1pm, 3pm - 6pm
Tue: 10am - 1pm, 3pm - 6pm Wed: 10am - 1pm, 3pm - 6pm Thur: 10am - 1pm, 3pm - 6pm Fri: Closed